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Offering a better integration between construction management teams and how construction systems operate on site through a world class sustainable electronic jumpform system that delivers highly predictable outcomes for construction managers that leads to better project returns and increased site safety.


For construction and commercial managers our smart design philosophy significantly reduces the risk of variations and offers better predictability, allowing for improved work method effectiveness, decreased process times and better forecasting accuracy.  


This contributes to a safer site and the best chance of avoiding incidents and over-runs.




> Ability to form all vertical concrete elements including sheer walls and columns

> Accelerated set up time ensures early program benefits

> All wall changes are designed into the system ensuring minimum downtime on site

> Designed for offsite pre-assembly with transportation requirements in mind

> Design ensures maximum storage of materials on the top deck (Minimum 2.5KPa)

> The system is fully checked and certified by reputed international design firm

> No open edges unless undertaking major wall changes

> Frame is fabricated from high grade steel ensuring integrity and accuracy is
    maintained over time

> Lightweight aluminium top-hung shutters are fast and easy to operate

> Electronic top-mounted jacking system
   (no repositioning of hydraulics or use of fluids)

> Integrated features such as access stairs, placing boom frames, davits,
    hanging screens, hoists and more can be positioned or added as required

> Minimal requirement of site assets such as hook-time and site storage 

> Commissioned in a single operation with no need for trailing decks

> Extremely low operational labour requirement in the event of workforce restrictions

> System can be jumped on very low concrete strength

> Jumped and levelled in as little as 60 minutes from a single control point

> No expensive cast ins or lost items

> 100% synchronised jumping with mm accuracy

> Once commissioned, tower cranes are not needed except for
    feeding reinforcement, wall changes and dismantling

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