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The TURIIM JumpForm structure is
a self-climbing temporary formwork system used to construct the main core walls of the permanent structure.  It is progressively elevated upwards during construction by way of mechanical lifting jacks.


During the lifting process, the support conditions of the JumpForm structure result in a change in the distribution of the forces throughout the structure.  Accordingly, the analysis of the JumpForm was subdivided into two different models corresponding
to two different support conditions:

The static (fixed) case and the lifting (jumping) case.


TURIIM offers a superior design solution to
reduce building costs faster than any other system available today.  Through effective design, TURIIM saves their clients millions over time
by offering a method that consistently reduces program times and ensures projects stay ahead of critical path.


Additional design options include perforated cladding, clear openings (stairs fabrication and trusses), toilet amenities, temporary site office.


> Lower Working Deck

Structural steel framed deck with 3mm thick chequered plate flooring used for workers tying rebar, setting forms and installing form ties.  When the JumpForm is in its static mode, the primary beams of the lower deck support the entire JumpForm structure.  These are bolted to the core walls via customised wall brackets.


> Upper Working Deck

Structural steel framed deck with 3mm thick chequered plate flooring used for storing rebar and for pouring concrete.  The upper deck also supports the perimeter cladding structure, the wall shutters, the internal stairs and concrete boom frame.


> Internal Braced Framing

Structural steel columns and bracing members between the upper and lower deck.  The internal framing links the top and bottom decks.  It also transfers lateral loads from the top to the bottom deck in both the static and the lifting case.


> Cladding Columns

Structural steel columns forming the perimeter walls of the JumpForm structure.  These columns hang from the top deck and support the permitter sections of the lower deck.


> Jacking Columns

Structural steel columns providing the main structural support during the lifting operation.  Each pair of jacking column is connected to a mechanical jack via a vertical threaded rod, they form the lifting mechanism of the JumpForm.  During the lifting process, the jacking columns are partially embedded and bear onto the top of the core walls.


> Concrete Placing Boom (CPB) Frame

Structural steel framing proving support for the concrete boom crane.  The boom frame is bolted to the top deck structure.


> Static (Fixed) Case

In the static case the bottom deck beams support the entire JumpForm structure via bolt fixings through the sides of the concrete core walls.  The top deck is supported by the internal framing columns which transfer the loads down to the lower deck beams.  The perimeter cladding columns and the shutters also hang from the top deck.  During this setup, the jacking columns are not taking any load.  After the wall reinforcement has been installed the wet concrete is placed into the shutters.  During the placement, the bottom of the jacking columns are partially embedded into the top of the walls.


> Lifting (Jumping) Case

The lifting process can commence once the concrete has set and achieved the minimum required strength.  The bottom deck fixings are released, and the weight of the structure is transferred to the jacking columns which are bearing on the top of the walls.  In this setup, the whole structure is handing from the top deck primary members, which are supported by the jacking columns.  The internal framing is working in tension.  As the structure climbs via the lifting jacks, the bottom deck roller guides act as lateral support and the internal support and the internal braced framing transfers only lateral forces through the bracing into the bottom deck.

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