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Each additional operation adds to
the chance of injury and stoppages on a project.  TURIIM's systems are engineered in a way that removes all unnecessary operations from the workforce.



Our engineers have firsthand experience working on Jumpform and our system has been designed with safety as a top priority.  


Jumpform presents several challenges that affect the overall safety on any project, these include working at height, working in confined spaces, and in some cases working with complex sequences involving cranes.

TURIIM offers the highest degree of safety of any system by addressing these key aspects of working at height.

> Exposure to open edges

> Falling objects

> Overcrowding

> Restricted mobility

> Unnecessary crane use

> Excessive system manipulation at height

> Complicated jumping sequences

> Complicated wall changes

What makes TURIIM jump forms a safer solution for your workforce

> Fully barricaded workspace

>  No open edges

> Minimal required workforce at peak efficiency

> Large working deck that can be tailored to contractors

> After setup the crane isn't required until wall changes

> System jumps as one in a single operation 100% synchronised

> No complicated jumping sequences

> Wall changes simplified through design and take place within a typical cycle

> Integrated access staircase

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